[FoG]PVE Cluster – Genesis 2


We have many reasons, but it’s best to see for yourself!

♦ XP x1, Farming x3, Taming x5, Breeding x5, Incubation x5, Baby Growth x5
◾️ Starter Kit -> help to get started
◾️ adjusted rates (XP x1, Farming x3, Taming x5, Breeding x5 -> faster breeding due to many cool items)
◾️ marketplace and trade center to exchange with players’
◾️ own mods and well tuned mod combination
◾️ Mutator, Nanny, Gardener, Teleporter etc. activated
◾️ adjusted and reworked leveling -> so it doesn’t get boring so fast.
◾️ ingame store and player shop
◾️ Auctions for players
◾️ Active admins who will always be at your side
◾️ SoloFarm Plugin -> to help lone fighters and after work players
◾️ Anti Griefing Plugin -> to keep the game fun for you and to keep it fair.
◾️ Voting rewards
◾️ Chat over the whole cluster with great colors
◾️ High stacks with little weight, also boosted weight.
◾️ Public transmitters, speed lvl on flying dinos, auto engrams, no foundation support needed.

♦ Our Community
◾️ helpful and large community
◾️ mutual support
◾️ common boss fights
◾️ common games and chill nights in Discord

♦ Our own Mods
On the FoG Ark servers we run our own mods which are specially designed for the community and give you a unique ark experience! e.g. you can travel with tributes, have special potions which allow you to breed and tame fast and much more! So give it a try! The whole community is involved in the development of the mods and has the possibility to contribute their own ideas!

Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1901779007

♦ All official Maps and more
We run all official maps including an event map and more on several root servers. As a player you can travel to any of these maps without any restrictions and without long loading time. Our event map is filled with an admin market, where you can buy colorful dinosaurs for in-game points, and a player market, where you as a player have the possibility to sell your dinosaurs and items to other players!

♦ Our Servers Beginner Map steam://connect/ TheIsland steam://connect/ TheCenter steam://connect/ Ragnarok steam://connect/ Valguero steam://connect/ CrystalIsles steam://connect/ ScorchedEarth steam://connect/ Aberration steam://connect/ Extinction steam://connect/ Genesis steam://connect/ Genesis2 steam://connect/ Lost Island steam://connect/ Fjördur steam://connect/ Fjördur VIP steam://connect/


►A community of players and admin’s at your fingertips.◄

♦ Discord
Our Discord offers an all round support for all players including a live ticket support in case no admin is available. Furthermore, the community exchange is available at any time, even outside of the game.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/fog

♦ Awesome players
The best thing about us is our players! They come from all over the world with the same passion and support each other in everything they can. So don’t be shy and come say hi!

Website: http://www.forceofgaming.net/

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