Polski prywatny serwer na ktory serdecznie zapraszam. / Polish private server to which I cordially invite you.
Zostal postawiony na maszynie serwerowej z dwoma procesorami oraz prawie 200GM pamieci. Dyski SSD. / It was placed on a server machine with two processors and almost 200GM of memory. SSDs.

Mapy PVE/ PVE Maps: Island, Ragna, Lost, Fjordur, G2, Crystal
Weekendowa mapa rotacyjna / Weekend rotation maps: G1/Scorch/Exti/Aber/Valguero
Eventy / Events


Ustawienia/ Settings:
Max Dino Level: 251
Difficulty Offset: 3

Player Settings:
XP Multiplier: 1,5
Damage: 1,5
Health: 2
Weight: 2
Fortitude: 3

Dino Settings:
Max Tamed Dinos: 250
Taming Speed: 4
Torpor Drain: 1,5
Mating Speed: 3
Baby Mature Speed: 3
Allow Flyers in Caves
Allow Flyer Speed Leveling
Allow Baby Dino Imprint Cuddle by Anyone
Always Allow Structure Pickup

Pluginy / Plugins:
Help Menu (/help)
SPYGLASS – wlaczony automatycznie / enabled automatically
Ark Shop
Dino/Player Utilities
HLNA z G2 / HLNA from G2 – na kazdej mapie (/HLNA) / on each map
Sprawdzanie ilości graczy na mapie obecnie grajacych (/players) /Checking the number of players currently playing on the map
Cross Chat pomiedzy mapami / Cross Chat between maps
Item Collector
Home teleports – teleporty domowe x3 / 3 home teleports

Ustawione darmowe teleporty na wszystkie obeliski (/tp green albo /tp blue albo /tp red) / Set free teleports on all obelisks

Anti PVE Grifing – player offline nie zostanie okradziony ani zabity ani także przciągnięty.
Offline players won’t be damaged by anything, anyone from outside player/dino tribe won’t be able to open the inventory, player’s won’t be able to be dragged/carried

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