Welcome to GRINDNATION!!

Server IPS

Common Info:
Wild Dino Level- 150
Player Level- Vanilla
Hatching and Breeding- Bit faster than normal
Wipe: 5/20/2022
Ragnarok: 1 to 2 months
Island: 1 to 2 months
Server Admins- MysticKon (ingame: Kon )
Tribe Limit: 3
Alliances: Not allowed
Turret Limit: 150
Dino Tribe Limit: 350

Sid’s Hybrids
Offline Guard System
Solo Farm Mod
HG Stacking Mod 2500-90 V314
Structures Plus (S+)
Awesome SpyGlass!
TCs Auto Rewards v1.12.16

1. No Bug Abusing, hacking or exploiting server configuration.
2. Building Collision is off – Do not abuse this and build inside terrain or hide loot in terrain/mesh – This will be admin removed.
3. Pvp can be frustrating sometimes, But please leave racism and serious abuse out of the server.
4. Do not impersonate Admins
5. For New Players please don’t instantly raid others starting bases. Let some players build up.
6. Alliances are not allowed.
7. There is only 3 ORP allowed in a tribe per server. Only allowed 2 ORP’s at base to make sure everything is covered. The last one can be used for a hideout or far out dino pen.
8. Do not block spawns, Your allowed to build in Loot/artifact caves. If you build in those caves make sure players can get the artifacts. Do not block loot spawns. – Turrets near Drop/loot locations will be removed if found.
9. Be respectful to administrators, we help as much as we can and take suggestions in discord – Bashing admins and spamming chat will be warned before any action is taken.
10. No boxing on platform saddles when raiding.(Only one foundation on dino platform saddles)
11. Turrets are not to be left in the open or near loot/artifacts etc. Turrets should be for Bases, Raid bases, raid defense etc. – Using turrets in open world pvp will be destroyed and penalised. Unless a player left there tame in the wild then you may use turrets to only kill the tame if your tribes tames can’t do it.
12.Titansaurs are not tameable.
13.Players only get 2 hours to raid ADMIN bases, alliances are not allowed to help out with the tribe well raiding. It is also against the rules to interfere with the raiding.(Players that go against this will have there bases wiped or banned, depending on situation)
14. Turret Rafts/Island Turtles are allowed on the server. But players are not allowed to use the turrets to kill people outside their base.(No Stocking/Following)
15. When raiding ADMIN bases if a player is gone longer then an hour, the next tribe can give it a shot to raid it. Also if no one decides to finish raiding it after 2 hours the ADMIN bases will be rebuilt with filled up turrets.
16, Can raid as much as you want but please dont go wiping the server. If attacking the same tribe soon after raid then will result into punishment by the Admin.
17. Boss items will be transferable between the Island and Ragnarok.
18. Nobody is allowed to troll any of the players or grief well there protection is up.

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